The first festival of orchestral brass and percussion instruments named in honor of V.N.Dosadin

The first festival of orchestral brass and percussion instruments named in honor of V.N.Dosadin 20 photos

💥 The Nizhny Novgorod Governorate Orchestra will perform with a concert program at the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music. As part of the First N. Dosadin Festival of Orchestral Brass and Percussion Instruments, the orchestra will present a show, consisting of pieces specially written for a brass band and settings of modern performers. Orchestra will perform with the soloists – Timofey Punko (trumpet) – laureate of all-Russian and international competitions and Ivan Pyatkov (baritone) – laureate of all-Russian and international competitions, winner of the “Golden Nutcracker” international television competition, finalist of the television project of the 6th season “Blue Bird”, scholarship of the fund V. Spivakov and the New Names Foundation D. Matsuev.

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